1 part sugar to 4 parts water.
Bring the water to a boil and add the sugar. Continue boiling until the sugar is completely dissolved. Once the mixture has cooled, fill up your feeders and watch for your little friends to visit. You can store any left over liquid in the fridge so it is always handy to refill the feeder.
While Hummingbirds are attracted to the color red, do not add red food coloring to the mixture as this can cause infections on their tongues. Also, remember to clean the feeders often and change the liquid when it gets cloudy.
Some of the most common flowers that Hummingbirds enjoy are Honeysuckle, Clematis, Impatiens, Phlox and Fuchsia.
Then sit back and enjoy your little feathered friends when they come to visit.
Do you have any Hummingbird stories or recipes to share with us?
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