Crush the pill into powder
Crush the pill into a fine powder. This can be done using a spoon or by using a pill crusher, which are very convenient to use. Before using the pill crushing method, make sure to talk to your vet to see if this is an option for the medication being used. Some medications work on a time released bases, if this is the case you should not crush the pill as too much of the medication will be released at one time. If you can crush the pill, try giving the crushed pill to your cat mixed with food that they like. If you have other pets, make sure to monitor the food bowl to make sure the proper pet is getting the medication.
Hiding the pill
This method works great for some cats. Hide the food in a special treat your cat hardly ever gets. Be sure to talk to your vet in advance to make sure you can use food with the medication. Some of the foods that work great are cream cheese, tuna and for some cats, peanut butter works great. First try giving your cat a little piece of the treat without the medicine to make sure your cat will eat it and to get him excited for more. If the trial method goes well, hide the pill and give it to your cat.
Wrap the cat
Get a syringe filled with water and the medication ready. Then wrap your cat securely in a towel, which will immobilize the cat and keep you from getting scratched. Open the cat’s jaw by pressing your thumb and forefinger on the jaw hinges. Once the jaw is open, put the pill down the throat getting the pill as far back in his mouth as possible. Then squirt some water into your cat’s mouth using the syringe to help him swallow the pill. Hold your cat’s mouth closed and stroke his throat, which will help him to swallow. Don’t release your hold on your cat until you know he has swallowed the pill.
Most vets will tell you to never dry-pill a cat as the medication can cause erosion in the esophagitis, which is damaging and painful.
Chair method
Get the medication and a syringe filled with water ready. Use a chair with a back rest. Pick your cat up and scruff your cat. Lower your cat until his front paws are resting on the top of the backrest with his back legs dangling. This position will automatically put the cat’s mouth in an open, upward position and will make your cat automatically swallow. Push the pill to the back of the cat’s mouth and follow with water from the syringe. This method will take a little practice, but works well once you have gotten the technique down.
Always give your cat water immediately after a pill.
Train your cat when he is a kitten to take pills and the process will go much smoother as he gets older.
Coat the pill in a small amount of butter or margarine. This helps to hide the taste of the medicine and helps your cat swallow the pill easier.
Always praise your cat with lots of hugs and kisses afterwards. Giving him a cat treat is also a good idea.
If you have other cats, make sure they are not getting the medication if you are putting the mediation in the food bowl.If you put the pill in your cat’s mouth. Watch your cat afterwards to make sure they don’t spit the pill out.
Always talk to your vet to see what method they recommend and to make sure the pill is compatible with your preferred method.What method has worked the best for you?
1 comment:
I have always crushed pills, but I never thought about some being time released. Thanks for sharing this information. I will talk to my vet before I ever crush another pill. Thank you!
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