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Controlling fleas and ticks
If you have cats or dogs you might be interested to know that Fort Dodge has come out with a new product. It's called Promeris, a preventative for fleas and ticks. The application is simple; the dose is in a clear plastic ampule that you apply directly between the shoulder blades. We have heard this product is supposedly the new wave of the future for flea and tick control. It effectively stops and controls existing flea infestations for up to seven weeks and prevents re-infestations of fleas. Apparently, this is the only product on the market that contains the drug Metaflumizone. Metaflumizone is said to attack a flea’s nervous system by blocking voltage dependent sodium channels which results in paralysis and a timely death. A monthly application is recommended for cats and dogs.
In addition to stopping fleas this drug stops and controls tick infestation. It also prevents re-infestations for up to four weeks in dogs. This product also contains Amitraz. You may know of this chemical from flea dips and collars. Amitraz kills ticks by disrupting normal nerve function leading to reduced feeding and attachment, paralysis and death. Amitraz is an inhibitor of the enzyme monoamine oxidase. We are unaware if this chemical works on cats.
ProMeris is available for dogs in five sizes to accurately dose different body weights and puppies 8 weeks and older. Each size is available in three and six dose packages. ProMeris for cats is available in two sizes to accurately dose cats or kittens 8 weeks and older. Each size is available in three and six dose packages.
Has anyone used this? Does it really work? I would love to hear your thoughts on this product before I try it. Thank you!
There are so many things to choose from for flea and tick control. Which is better
DO NOT USE this product. Reports of seizures and deaths have just started coming in. I have read this information in several dog magazine reports. CHECK WITH YOUR VET before using this item.
If you can use organic supplies,that is best. If not,use tried and tested true products. There are websites devoted to organic pet supplies,along with recipes to make your own supplies.
Think like this: Would I use this on myself? READ THE INGREDIENT LABEL. That will tell you everything!
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