Feeder Style
There are several styles of feeders and you need to use the correct style for the type of bird you are trying to attract.
Tube feeders are perfect for smaller birds such as chickadees and finches.
Platform feeders are ideal for feeding ground feeders, such as doves, juncos, cardinals and jays.
Post mounted or hanging feeders attract birds that feed at branch level.
Nectar feeders attract hummingbirds and orioles.
Insect feeders attract bluebirds, robins and purple martins
Suet feeders attract woodpeckers, nuthatches and creepers
Perches and ports
The ports must be the appropriate size to allow the seed to flow through. For example, a thistle feeder has very small ports which will not accommodate other types of seed. Birdseed with nuts and dried fruit need a bigger port so the seed can flow through the opening. Feeders with perches attract chickadees, titmice, grosbeaks and grackles. Feeders without perches attract woodpeckers, finches and nuthatches.
Many birds will feed from several styles of feeders, so these are just some general guidelines to follow. You will see a variety of birds eating from each feeder you provide in your bird sanctuary.
Please share some of the things have you have tried to attract more birds to your yard?
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