Make sure you have plenty of drinking water available.
Provide a shaded area where your dog can get out of the sun.
Provide a little pool for your dog to cool off in. Plastic kiddie pools work great. Make sure to keep the water very shallow for smaller dogs. You can also spray him with a hose to help him cool off.
Groom thicker haired dogs to help them stay cool.
Limit the amount of exercise and outside play time.
If possible, keep your dog inside with the air conditioning on during the hottest hours of the day.
Lighter haired dogs and dogs with thin hair are at a higher risk of getting sunburned. Watch for discolorations or sores on their ears, eyelids and nose. Contact your vet immediately if your dog shows any signs of heat stoke or stress.
Keeping your dog cool during the summer can be a challenge, but with proper planning you can make your dogs summers more enjoyable and safe.
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