There are biodegradable doggie bags and cat pan liners available in the market. There are also cat litters which do not contain clumping clay which harms the earth and could harm your furry loved one along with biodegradable cat liners.
One product that is 100% biodegradable is the BioBag which is made of GMO free certified corn along with using soy based inks. The BioBag is available for dogs and cats. Another added benefit for cats is that the BioBag liner is non-allergenic. To learn more about the BioBag for dogs and cats, please click here.

An alternative to clay clumping cat litter is Swheat Scoop. This product is made of natural wheat and made without chemicals, fragrance free and biodegradable. To read more about this product, please click here.
Of course, there are many products on the market and it’s a matter of finding one that works best for you and your pet. The internet is a great source to comparison shop as you can read the pros and cons of each item online by reviewing comments from others who have purchased the items. Remember to read what materials go into the product to assure it is actually a green product. Your veterinarian could have certain products to recommend as well.