Ironic, isn’t it: a black cat named Snoball. If it catches people’s attention, I am definitely okay with it. I am a young fella who found himself outdoors in winter until a local animal control agency scooped me up to safety. They had a lot of other cats there, so they asked WSHS to take a few. I was one of the lucky ones who got picked because I was very friendly and reached out of my cage to get their attention. How could they say no to such pleading? Once here, I adjusted very easily. Everyone loves me and I get so much cuddling, I couldn’t ask for more while I wait for a home of my very own. I’m up for just about anything, except going outside. That’s a deal breaker. I don’t ever want to get lost outside again. If you want a chatty, fun guy, then look no further. Here I am! Black DSH, female, 2 years old, neutered, but not declawed.
For more information please contact the West Suburban Humane Society, 1901 W. Ogden Ave, Downers Grove, IL, phone number 630-960-9600. http://www.wshs-dg.org/wshs/
Taggart –Tampa, FL
Taggart- 3736699 10 year old Domestic Shorthair? Russian Blue, who resides
in the Real Life Room.

Hi there.....my name is Taggart and I am one cool cat! Unlike some of my friends, I happen to have an allergy to the flea treatment here, I think it is called Revolution. Other than that I am purr-fect. I have lots of energy for my age and also like to curl up with you while we lay on the couch! I have made friends with the Volunteers and Staff and have even gotten to go home on a few sleep-overs with them! Won't you take me home!?
For more information, please contact
Liz Warner
Adoption Counselor
3607 N. Armenia Ave
Tampa FL, 33607
(813) 876-7138
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