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Do you smell like a cat?
Most people think when a cat rubs against you it is a sign of affection or friendliness, and it is. But, cats also rub against you to “scent” you. Cats, just like dogs, mark their territory and want everything to be scented with their unique scent. As a cat rubs against you or a piece of furniture what they are doing is depositing sebum from glands on their heads to you or to the furniture. Now you or your furniture smells like your cat, which will make your cat very happy!
can u please help me eith this problem, i have a 13 month male cat that is fixed,he is always good with the liter box. recently my sons girlfriend cat is staying with me for a while she is 8 years old female and not spayed. she also uses the liter box . however recently this week i noticed 3 urone stains on carpet and my bed and a chair. and worse last night i walked in and it smelled awful a strong urine odor i followed the smell and it led me to her litter box. my question is- which cat do you think that is doing this? my male cat or the female cat. please reply and thank you very much
please reply soon, i take all comments to help me solve this
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